

12412 Uppsatser om Social ties - Sida 1 av 828

Vägran att trampa fler meter anstaltskorridor : En kvalitativ studie av åtta återfallsförbrytares avslutande av sin respektive kriminella livsstil

This paper starts where previous research in this scientific field, research about individuals who managed to end their criminal lifestyle, ends ? by talking in terms of Pierre Bourdieu?s forms of capital. In former studies the researchers pointed out access to a job and parenting as helpful factors to end a criminal lifestyle. Our purpose with this paper, however, was to find out if it is possible to understand criminals successfully ending their criminal lifestyle from Bourdieu?s capital metaphors and Mark Granovetter?s concept of strong and weak ties.

HVB för ensamkommande flyktingbarn : En arbetslivssociologisk studie

The purpose of this study is to examine how the work with young people at home to care and accommodation (HVB) are organized in a municipality outside Karlstad and how the staff perceive emotions in the workplace. The issues that are discussed are based on the concepts of Social ties, emotional labor, roles, shame and pride. The number of people who are fleeing in the world is today about 51 million. There has not been this high since World War II. The Swedish Migration Board calculated that about 7,000 of these people were unaccompanied children and came to Sweden in 2014.

Kan abstrakt tänkande öka gymnasieelevers kreativitet?

The purpose of this study is to examine how the work with young people at home to care and accommodation (HVB) are organized in a municipality outside Karlstad and how the staff perceive emotions in the workplace. The issues that are discussed are based on the concepts of Social ties, emotional labor, roles, shame and pride. The number of people who are fleeing in the world is today about 51 million. There has not been this high since World War II. The Swedish Migration Board calculated that about 7,000 of these people were unaccompanied children and came to Sweden in 2014.

Stressat vardagspussel i Sverige : - individens upplevda stress i relation till sociala förbindelser och ny individualism

This essay addresses the issue of stress by income earners in Sweden 18-64 years old and any possible relationship to their Social ties and the individualization process. The data were collected through a questionnaire, sent out to about 185 working men and women. The results showed a relationship between fewer Social ties in everyday life and perceived stress of the individual. The result also showed a relationship between higher degree of individualization and stress. Both of these correlations is confirmed by previous research on the concept of work-life and theory of the new individualism.One of the most interesting results the study showed was that there was none relationship with gender and perceived stress in the individual.

Socialt kapital på arbetsmarknaden - En möjlig väg ut?

People are constantly using there friends in order to ask for a favor or to get hold of some information. This is usually done unconsciously and it is just viewed as everyday life behavior. The function and the use of these links definitely have a value, which means that it can be viewed as a form of capital. But this capital is not caught in the traditional theories of physical capital or human capital; it demands it?s on theorization.

Kontaktfamiljsinsats beviljad... till vad och vilken nytta?

The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze a group of participants (social workers, contact families and the young adults who had been given a contact family as children) and monitor their experience of the intervention contact family and its goals, contents and design. We also wanted to look into what goals and guidelines are available regarding the interventions design and contents. We also looked into parts of the intervention which the participants found most useful for them individually. The method we used in our study was qualitative interviews. We compared and analyzed our results to research made on the subject and the theoretical frame.

Internprissättning : Bevisbörda, dokumentationskrav och rättssäkerhet

As the globalization of companies increases day by day, the need for a clear and comprehensible legislation to overcome the problems with transfer pricing transactions increases as well. Incorrect pricing in transfer pricing situations between companies with close economic ties to each other makes countries risk parts of their taxation income.Swedish legislation uses the internationally accepted arm?s length principle to regulate the transfer pricing transactions. Through the correction rule, the rule is upheld that the pricing between two companies with close economic ties to each other must apply to the same conditions as it would have been if it was between two companies without close economic ties to each other.To ensure that enough material is provided to base the assumption whether or not the correction rule has been followed or not, Swedish legislation provides a number of paragraphs to regulate the matter. The legislation is spread all over and is hard to interpret.

En studie om frivårdens insatser. : Före detta kriminella och handläggares upplevelser av dess stödinsatser.

Mycket finns skrivet i ämnet frivård och återfall, varför det finns anledning att ytterligare se på hur frivårdens stödinsatser uppfattas av före detta kriminella, frivårdsanställda samt kamratorganisationen Kriminellas Revansch i Samhället, vilken frivården samarbetar med. Frivården har en tämligen hög återfallsstatistik hos de före detta kriminella som frivården fått i uppdrag att återanpassa till ett laglydigt liv. Särskilt hög är återfallsstatistiken hos de individer som haft kontakt med frivården mer än en gång efter att mer än en gång blivit lagförd för brott. Denna undersökning har sökt svar på hur frivårdens insatser uppfattas för att se på vad som eventuellt kan göras bättre i dagsläget. Frivårdsanställda och före detta kriminella, varav några medlemmar i KRIS, har intervjuats för att på så vis få en nyanserad bild av verklighetens uppfattningar.

Varannan-vecka-liv En studie om växelvis boende och barns familjeskapande

Title: Every second week. A study on how co-parented children do family. The aim of the study is to explore children?s day-to-day experiences of co-parenting. It focuses on how the children actively participate in the process of shaping family life and their own childhoods in the context of family change.

Lyssna på mig! : En kvalitativ studie om brukarinflytande för vuxna missbrukare

The aim of our study is to deepen our understanding of how both social workers and clients describe how user influence within substance abuse care for adults can work. What difficul-ties do they describe meeting, with regards to possibilities to influence the care? To achieve our purpose we had a qualitative approach for this study. It?s based on open thematic inter-views with 3 clients who have substance abuse problems, and with 3 social workers, working at Social Services in Stockholm.

Upplevda hinder och hjälp för en livsstilsförändringhos överviktiga och obesa : en litteraturstudie

The purpose of this study was to describe senior nurses? expectations concerning how a digital information and communication technology systems (ICT) can contribute to the improvement of care leadership and how it can strengthen ties between the school's theoretical world and the practical clinical work-based training (WP) in nursing. The study has a descriptive design with a qualitative approach. The study involved seven leading care nurses. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews.

Känner du rätt person? : En studie om sociala kontaktnätets betydelse vid anställning av civilekonomer

Bakgrund: 2010 presenterade SCB en undersökning om hur 403 000 jobb tillsattes (GP2010). 79 000 av dessa tjänster tillsattes via personliga kontakter och ytterligare 100 000där arbetsgivaren själv kontaktade den arbetssökande. Denna trend i användandet av detsociala kontaktnätet får stöd av Lena Hensvik, doktorand i nationalekonomi, i tidskriftenFramtider (2012). Hon skriver att den sociala omgivningen såsom grannar,skolkamrater, tidigare kollegor och föräldrar har stor betydelse för hur vi får anställningeller inte. Hon menar att kontaktnätet är en viktig självinvestering då vårdandet av ensnätverk uppenbarligen kan underlätta jobbsökandet.

Från ståtlig befästning till vittrande världsarv : En jämförelse av byggnadstekniska metoder för sammanbindning av skalmurar

This is a final year project considering constructional techniques for joining cavity walls. The project is related to an ongoing scientific programme about the restoration of The City wall of Visby located on Gotland. The programme was set by Riksantikvarieämbetet as a reaction to a collapse of the outer masonry wall shell which took place in February 2012.The City wall of Visby is a medieval fortification built out of limestone during the 13th century. The wall is constructed as a cavity wall with two separate masonry shells connected to each other through an intermediate core. During the 14th century the wall was heightened which lead to a higher stress, especially in the outer wall face.

iPod - Var mans leksak? : Den sociala bakgrundens betydelse för användning av och attityd till Apples mp3-modell

AbstractPurpose/Aim: My study aims to analyse, using Pierre Bourdieu´s theory, whether the social background plays a significant part in the attitudes and use of Apples mp3-player iPod. The study also aims to determine whether it is possible to group the focus groups used in my study and iPod into Bourdieu´s model.Material/Method: The reference material used in this paper is mainly gathered from books concerning Pierre Bourdieu´s theories. I have also had four focus groups of two different characters, to study their attitudes towards Apples mp3-player iPod. I have then applied the results of the focus groups to Bourdieu´s theories and models concerning habitus, social fields, capital and lifestyles, and studied whether there are any divergences in attitudes between the groups.Main results: My findings are that the focus groups as well as iPod can be put into Bourdieu´s model. According to the responses from the people in the focus groups, the attitude and usage of iPod do not mirror people?s social class or background, which goes against Bourdieu´s? theory.

Kliniskt handledarskap med hjälp av Informations- och kommunikationsteknik (IKT) : -         En intervjustudie

The purpose of this study was to describe senior nurses? expectations concerning how a digital information and communication technology systems (ICT) can contribute to the improvement of care leadership and how it can strengthen ties between the school's theoretical world and the practical clinical work-based training (WP) in nursing. The study has a descriptive design with a qualitative approach. The study involved seven leading care nurses. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews.

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